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11 tips for Adobe Campaign & Marketo Engage: are you using the full potential?

Being in marketing, you are well aware that the MarTech landscape is moving and changing faster than we can barely keep up with. You might have had a Marketing Automation tool for a long time already, or you have just implemented it in the whole organization. No matter the case, you need to stay up to date to ensure you get the most out of your tools.

Adobe Campaign and Adobe Marketo Engage are leading marketing automation platforms that have many features that can boost your marketing strategy. At Avaus, we focus on using data, AI, and automation to improve marketing efforts. Here’s how you can make the most of Adobe’s leading Marketing platforms.


Marketo vs. Campaign – what’s the difference?

Adobe Campaign is particularly suited for B2C operations with high-volume campaigns due to its robust data management capabilities and integrations. Meanwhile, Adobe Marketo Engage is tailored for B2B marketing, offering user-friendly automation and B2B-specific features such as lead nurturing and account-based marketing (available as an add-on to your Marketo subscription). Both platforms include many other intuitive features and require training and some technical expertise.

However, there is no strict rule that Adobe Campaign is exclusively for B2C companies or that Marketo Engage is solely for B2B companies. B2B companies can also use Adobe Campaign, and B2C companies can benefit from Marketo Engage, depending on their specific business needs and operational models. Companies with both B2B and B2C models may find it advantageous to use both platforms.

According to Adobe, Adobe Campaign is recommended for databases exceeding 10 million records and an email throughput of 1 million per hour. For smaller databases and lower email throughput, Marketo Engage is more suitable. Additionally, Adobe Campaign is recommended for budgets greater than approximately $40,000, while Marketo Engage is better suited for budgets up to that for basic plans, excluding implementation and ongoing costs for both. Contact Adobe for specific quotes based on your needs.

1. Get your campaigns personalized with dynamic content

Everyone wants to be more personalized since it’s the key to engaging your audience – and your customers are expecting it. You can utilize Adobe Campaign and Marketo Engage’s dynamic content capabilities to tailor emails, landing pages, and web experiences based on user behavior and profile data. This approach increases relevance and drives higher engagement rates.

2. Use advanced analytics to learn and improve

The only way to learn and improve is to examine what works and what doesn’t. How are your campaigns and content performing? What should you stop doing, and what should you do more of?

Adobe Campaign and Marketo Engage’s built-in advanced analytics and strong reporting provide insights into campaign performance, lead behavior, and ROI. Regularly analyze these metrics to learn what’s working for your business and customers. Use these insights to refine your strategies and improve future campaigns. Both platforms also have the capability to integrate with other reporting tools.

3. Integrate with your CRM

Your systems and data should never work in silos.

Integrate Marketo Engage with your Customer Relationship Management (CRM) system to ensure seamless data flow between marketing and sales. This integration allows for better lead tracking, improved data accuracy, and more effective sales follow-ups.

Adobe Campaign can also integrate with your CRM through connectors with bidirectional synchronization, allowing data to flow both ways and keeping CRM and Adobe Campaign in sync for better segmentation and targeting.

4. Stop doing repetitive tasks – automate them instead

Automation is at the heart of both Adobe Campaign and Marketo Engage.

With Marketo Engage you can automate repetitive tasks such as email sends, lead assignments, and follow-up reminders. This not only saves time but also ensures consistency and accuracy in your marketing processes.

Adobe Campaign allows you to create visual workflows to automate multi-step campaigns across different channels, such as email, SMS, push notifications, and social media. These workflows can also be triggered by various events, such as a customer signing up for a newsletter, abandoning their cart, or having a birthday.

5. Better customer segmentation

Effective segmentation allows for more targeted marketing. Use Marketo Engage’s segmentation tools to create detailed customer segments based on demographics, behavior, and engagement. Tailor your messaging to each segment for more personalized and effective campaigns.

With Adobe Campaign, you can leverage pre-built segments for common use cases and create segments that update automatically based on real-time customer behavior. For example, you can segment customers who abandoned their carts within the last hour and send them a targeted email reminder. It allows you to be efficient and consistent.

Would you like to learn more about B2B segmentation? Watch this webinar: B2B segmentation strategies to improve your sales performance.

6. Remember to A/B test

A/B testing is a classic that never gets old and it’s crucial for optimizing your marketing efforts. Experiment with different subject lines, email designs, and content formats to see what resonates best with your audience. Use Marketo Engage’s testing features to continually improve your campaign performance and create variants of emails with Adobe Campaign by choosing metrics such as open rate, click-through rate, or others to determine the winning variant and send the winner.

7. Why data quality matters

At Avaus, we like to say that it doesn’t matter what actions you take if your data is not structured and good enough. Accurate data is the foundation of successful marketing automation. Therefore you need to regularly clean and update your database to remove duplicates, correct errors, and ensure all data is up-to-date.

Adobe Campaign and Marketo Engage’s data management features and tools, along with best practices such as data governance, can help maintain the integrity of your database.

8. Marketo and AI: leverage Adobe Sensei

Adobe Sensei, the AI and machine learning framework integrated within Adobe Experience Cloud, powers intelligent features in Marketo Engage and Adobe Campaign (cloud). Use Adobe Sensei to analyze customer data, predict behaviors, and automate personalized experiences at scale. This AI-driven approach can help you optimize campaigns and improve customer engagement with precision.

Interested to learn more about the AI topic? Watch this keynote by Adobe at Avaus Expert Talks 2024: “AI for Marketing – It’s not IF, it’s WHEN and HOW to do it while strengthening the customer relationship”.

9. Get marketing and sales on the same page (B2B)

You have probably heard this before, but all effective marketing automation starts with alignment. Ensure your marketing and sales teams are on the same page by defining shared goals, target audiences, and key performance indicators (KPIs).

Use Marketo Engage’s Sales Insights to provide sales teams with visibility into marketing activities and lead scoring. This will not only make your sales team happy, but it will also make your job easier as more people have insight into the impact of your efforts.

Utilise Marketo Engage for account-based marketing

Account-based marketing (ABM) is essential for many B2B companies, enabling targeted, personal, and well-coordinated buyer engagement. Marketing and sales teams benefit from using a combination of inbound and outbound tactics, as well as account-based and lead-based strategies, to reach different segments.

Marketo Engage ABM specializes in enhancing customer engagement throughout complex B2B buying journeys. Supporting both demand and account-based marketing strategies, it provides an integrated lead management platform from acquisition to advocacy, allowing businesses to build engaging, personalized experiences at scale and demonstrate their impact.

You can track and manage your ABM target accounts and deliver informed, real-time, and coordinated cross-channel engagement and targeting. Marketo captures target account behaviors in Marketo’s Audience Hub, enabling highly personalized messaging at the perfect moment. Its native capabilities include ad targeting, web personalization, email, and events, allowing you to execute account-level campaigns seamlessly across channels using ABM filters and triggers.

Robust dashboards offer useful insights and integrated with the larger Marketo Engagement Marketing Platform, you can create standard reports based on smart lists for specific named accounts or lists. There is also a new account dimension in the Advanced Report Builder to measure the revenue impact of their ABM programs.

10. Start using (or improve your) lead scoring and nurturing (B2B)

Which leads that have interacted with your content should you focus on nurturing? And when is it time for your sales team to reach out? Lead scoring helps prioritize this based on their engagement and fit. Use Marketo Engage’s lead scoring models to rank prospects and automatically assign them to nurturing campaigns. Develop comprehensive nurturing workflows that guide leads through the buyer’s journey with personalized content.

11. Partner with an expert to get to the full potential of Adobe’s marketing automation tools

Maximizing the potential of Adobe Campaign and Marketo Engage often requires expertise that goes beyond in-house capabilities. Partnering with a specialized MarTech agency like Avaus can provide you with the strategic guidance and technical support needed to fully leverage Marketo’s features.

At Avaus, we offer comprehensive services that include strategy development, technical implementation, and continuous optimization to ensure your marketing automation efforts deliver the best possible results. We have 15+ years of experience with Adobe Campaign and Marketo Engage – and are always happy to support you.

Read more about our MarTech offering.

To learn more about the content supply chain, watch this breakout session at Avaus Expert Talks 2024 by Jakob Bartholdy, Content Supply Chain Sales Specialist at Adobe: Unlocking the Content Supply Chain with Adobe GenStudio.

Ready to maximize the potential of your marketing automation?

Adobe Campaign and Marketo Enage are powerful tools that, when used to their full potential, can significantly enhance your marketing efforts. By aligning your teams, personalizing your campaigns, leveraging analytics, and staying updated with the latest features, you can maximize the value of Adobe Campaign and Marketo Engage.

Partnering with Avaus can further amplify these benefits, providing the expertise and support needed to navigate the complexities of MarTech.

Companies we’ve helped with Adobe’s marketing automation

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