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Protected: Growth Hacking kick-start at Telia

In order for Telia’s CRM team to find new and agile ways of working, Avaus and Telia created an intense 4 month project where a cross-competence team implemented tests and automations in order to find new up and cross sell revenue streams. The piloted approach was a stepping stone for the entire unit to transform into agile ways of working.


The Telia team had identified a number of customer centric use cases with clear revenue potential – but finding the time to implement these was not easy. Putting the customer experience and value in the center, the identified use cases were aimed at improving the customer experience, while generating revenue for Telia. Telia’s team also had realised they needed to transform into a more agile way of working within the CRM team and needed a “kick-start” for this transformation.


To accelerate this change and prove the power of agile, Avaus and Telia created a “Rev team” (short for revenue) – tasked with implementing the backlog, running tests at speed and automating the use cases with the clearest business benefits. The team consisted of cross-competence resources, and developed new ways of working within the Telia CRM context throughout the project.


The project was carried out using Growth Hacking practices:

  1. Implementation of quick wins on existing products and thus, growing their revenue

  2. Optimization and improvement of activities using A/B-testing and analytics

  3. Transfer of knowledge and learnings to the wider organisation



The Growth team was able to generate over 12 MSEK of incremental annual revenue by improving communication to existing customers. The improvement in sales conversion compared to the control group was between 85-200%. Conversion rates significantly improved at a fast pace by automating the best performing dialogues and scaling them up. In addition, the Telia team got valuable insights for future communication and was able to build on the accelerated learnings when implementing agile growth teams into the larger team.

Super interesting project, where the cross competence team was able to test hypothesis and see results, often within the same week. I think this kept us all motivated and hungry to reach even better results each week.

–Bernhard Brink, Consultant, Avaus



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