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MarTech in 2024 – get more with what you have




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In this 45-minute webinar, we’ll show you how to get the most out of your existing MarTech stack and why getting a new tool or switching tools won’t help you. You’ll learn practical strategies to optimize, automate, and streamline your marketing operations, leading to increased efficiency and growth.

This webinar is perfect for you if:

  • You’re feeling stuck in a MarTech rut and not seeing the results you expected.
  • You’re unsure how to get the most out of your current MarTech investments.
  • You want to take your MarTech game to the next level without breaking the bank.

Watch the webinar recording now and learn how to take your MarTech from a cost center to a growth engine in 2024.

Event Details

24 April, 11:00-11:45 CET


  1. Why more tools isn’t the answer
  2. Practical guide on how to get more out of your current MarTech stack
  3. Reference case with a practical example

Watch the recording

Or read the summary

About Avaus

Avaus is a consultancy firm helping you create business results in marketing and sales – using data, automation and AI. We offer both strategic clarity and practical tools that cater to the needs of today – and prepare you for tomorrow.



Director, Strategic business development


Senior Strategy Consultant



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