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Avaus announces the renewal of ISO 27001 Certification

Avaus is proud to announce the renewal of ISO 27001 Certification to safeguard information assets.
The international standard developed by the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) and the International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC), underscores Avaus’ unwavering dedication to privacy and security. 

In 2015, Avaus became the first marketing technology agency to obtain the certification in the Nordics. Now the company confirms its proactive approach to identifying and mitigating information security risks.

Securing Data Every Day

For Avaus, information security isn’t just a certification; it’s a daily commitment. We work with sensitive business and customer data around the clock. 

We’ve held ISO 27001 certification since 2015, assuring clients of their data’s protection and privacy. Last month we underwent a thorough audit to confirm that we met – and exceeded – ISO 27001 requirements.

Our entire team’s dedication is evident in this achievement. A special recognition goes to MichaÅ‚ Lewandowski, our Chief Information Security Officer (CISO): his commitment and expertise have been instrumental in upholding our security standards.

MichaÅ‚ has helped several organisations achieve their security goals by anticipating and mitigating threats, integrating security into the work environment and defining IT security strategies. He’s also experienced in vulnerability assessments, penetration testing, risk management, and safeguarding information. 

A Commitment to Excellence

ISO 27001 requires organisations’ systematic risk assessment, comprehensive security controls, and ongoing management. Achieving the certification again is a milestone for Avaus and a  reflection of its cornerstones in Collaboration, Ambition and Mastery, Take Ownership and Results.

We kept pushing to improve our services and maintain top security standards for our customers, partners, and employees.

What ISO 27001 Certification Means for You

For our customers and partners, ISO 27001 certification provides the assurance that their data is safe and secure. Our practices are not just words; they are verified by one of the most respected information security standards in the world. 

With ISO 27001, we’re on the path to a more secure data-driven organisation.

ISO 27001 logo



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